Monday, September 24, 2007

Still There Is Pleasure.

I have stolen both the title and the idea for this post from Beyond The Map's list of things that are giving her pleasure in spite of the chaos of moving. It's a lovely post, and it made me want to write my own list about what gives me pleasure in the midst of all the chaos in my's like a gratitude list without the guilt!

1. On my desk, I have this wonderful squishy skull guy. When I squeeze him, his brains pop out all bulbous and orange. I love him. He's a Halloween toy.

2. I have spent my day writing, again. Nothing is better.

3. All my secret blogging friends are the best, best, best! I also like are secret talky box that can steal my attention for hours and hours.

4. The prospect of all the wonderful things that will be here, the Friday pizza, the changing leaves, the visit from Vowels, the dog walk this evening, tomorrow morning's yoga, tomorrow evening's's all so hopeful and happy, and it's all mine.

5. Last night, I took a long and wonderful bath. I'm going to do it again tonight.

6. It pleases me to no end that bloggers get to have a street name and a government name. Blogging, generally, pleases me. It satisfies my inner nerd, and it makes me write.

7. My husband's long curly hair is a veritable primrose fucking path. My hands get all lost in it and I can't even do anything except touch it and smell it and pull it. I barely made it to work today. I nearly had to call in sprung.

8. We've gotten quite good at making our poverty food more interesting. For instance: add butter, frozen vegetables, hot sauce, and optional tuna to your Ramen for a unique twist to the traditional poverty fare.

9. I talked on the phone last night for a few minutes to a Nar-Anon friend who was having a mini-crisis, and we ended up laughing at ourselves and each other. That recognition and understanding from someone who was a stranger not too long ago is deeply satisfying, and it helps me to make sense of my world.

10. I'm reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love, and it's really, really good. I just finished Lolita, which I have no business reading at this point in my life. But Eat Pray Love is perfect for me, and for now.


Mantramine said...

for some reason I can't get on to the secret blog!!!!! It's telling me that it's under fixing or something. EERRRRrrgg. What up with that? I need some fix'n

Recovery Discovery (R) said...

love it, especially #9!

Jen R. said...

I want to read that book, too. Don't know how soon I'll get to it with the thousands of seminary reading I'll have to do, though.

I love are real and honest. I wish I could meet a bunch of you in person.

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

The secret blog and the talky box have got me behind on my blog reading! I love this list. Maybe I should do one too. I've been all pissy and depressed today -- yoga helped, maybe a list like this would too...

Anonymous said...

Talky box has taken me away from your blog, for G-d's sake.
I'm way behind, like MPJ.