Saturday, May 24, 2008

What Will I Call Me?

"Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles above personalities."
-The Twelfth Tradition

So, I need a pseudonym. I can't believe I've not already got one on deck, waiting. I'm a writer, and I've always been a writer. A friend who also writes said that she's had her pseudonym ready for years...why haven't I ever thought of mine? I've got a porn star name all picked out, and I'm much more likely in my life to need a pseudonym than a porn star name.

I have an opportunity to publish some writing about addiction, and I need a name to publish it under. I'm not ready to come off my real name yet, as releasing my real name releases the name of my family, friends, coworkers, and anyone else who has been involved in my rather complicated life...but I need a name that seems more convincingly real than "The Junky's Wife."

So I'm contemplating what my new name will be. I do like being The Junky's Wife, and I'd like to keep some reference to that name. I was thinking of keeping the letters, keeping the initials the maybe I should be Judy Winter or June Wilson or Joanna White. But I've also always been partial to names that are also words, like Amber or Summer or Autumn or Iris.

Picking a new name is fun. I can't believe I didn't do it when MPJ did. I always do everything MPJ does. I guess I already thought I had a name, but The Junky's Wife isn't a proper name...I'll let you guys know what I come up with.