Thursday, August 16, 2007


What an awful story. I should adopt this kid and raise him as my future husband. Sounds to me like he's going to turn out to be just my type.


Wayward Son said...

yesterday at lunchtime, I was walking down Van Ness Avenue near market Street, a busy street with all sorts of people on it. I walked past this woman and boy. The woman looked old enough to be the boys mother and the boy looked young enough to be her son. They were both high as lites. The kind of chemical high that fucks with the way your eyes look and the way you look tweaked, wobbly, paranoid and just all round fucked up beyond belief. My heart went to my heels and I briefly felt sick. My friends I was walking with didn't seem to notice. In can't get the image out of my head. I think it was a message. But that could just be me making it all about me.

Mantramine said...

I was just reading about this in the paper here today- it's not that far from my home.

I don't know about this whole, "poked himself accidently..."


Jen R. said...

That's terrible...

sKILLz said...

Wow thats some crazy shit right there. How can he get poked by mistake? That just doesnt happen like that. Either he did it to himself or someone did it to him. I mean what heroin addict is going to waste a perfectly good shot on a 8year old child without an agenda in mind?

Anonymous said...


wastedd said...


just stoping by your site.